Monday, March 22, 2010

.. all you need is love.

So, this is my first blog EVER. Exciting huh? I guess this will help keep me occupied, and be some sort of stress relief. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL weekend! The weather seriously could not have been nicer, and me and Tom finally spent time together after a long 6 days of not seeing each other. I had to work until 1pm on Saturday, so we went to go see his Gram and Pop, which live in Spring Lake. It's down the shore, and it's really nice and reserved down there. We got there around 4ish, and as always his grandparents were delighted to see me. They're so cute! Tom and I went for a drive around the town, it was really nice. I was kind of bummed that we didn't get to walk on the beach but, it's alright since we have all summer. We went to their favorite Diner with his grandparents. The food.. not so great. Ha. We got to his house around 8ish and just kinda bummed it around the house all night, no complaints here!

Sunday, I didn't work yet AGAIN. It's really starting to suck because I make time and a half on Sundays and now I can't work in my department because "there's no reason for it." So if I want to work, I have to go back on the front end.. Fat chance of that happening. Ugh. My parents had a wedding that day so I helped my mom do her hair, it came out quite amazing if you ask me! I went to Tom's house(yes again!) it's practically my second home. I FINALLY watched Iron Man, and Robert Downey Jr. need I say more? I think NOT. But aside from him being beautiful the movie was amazing, and I can't wait for the sequel! Woo!

Speaking of sequels, Tom surprised me with New Moon! It really wasn't a surprise because i knew he was going to buy it for me, but whatever. He absolutely hates the whole Twilight Saga, but I love it. A lot of people say the movies suck, but I don't care. I will say the books are much better then the movies, but that is usually how it goes. I'm interested to see how the directors play out the rest of movies, because I have a feeling they might not be like the books.. But we'll see June 30! But yeah, it wasn't a very eventful Spring break, but it sure was nice not having to worry about school. Can't wait until this semester is over with already. But Classes are back and it's raining and gross outside. Good start to a week? I think NOT.

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